BitTorrent Online Media Archive

Online media outlets like Google Video and Youtube have become extremely popular over the last year. However, they miss one thing.. BitTorrent. But that’s about to change.

A (small) team of dedicated designers and coders is working on a huge project. Their aim is to scrape every online media file (audio and video), index these files, and create torrents for evey one of them. The process will be automated and there will be no user submitted files. Additionally every file will have a streamable version (like google and youtube) to satisfy your viewing / listening needs right away.

All torrents will be web-seeded, so you don’t have to worry that the downloads will be unavailable, or that it stops at 99%.

The great advantage of this project is that it’s possible to archive high quality files, since every peer will contribute some bandwidth. The team is currently scraping audio and video files, and they already have 1TB music ready to seed.

But they can use a little help:

1. People who would like to run a tracker

2. Someone with experience in writing a tracker (to cluster the trackers)

3. Someone to assist in making a modified democracy player for this project

If you’re interested, mail tyrantbuilt (at)


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