Prosecutor Compares Piratebay And Bureau of Piracy With Terrorists

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Piratebay's hosting company PRQ had demanded the return of both paperwork and computer equipment seized by police However the Stockholm District Court ruled that they stay with the police a little longer, and prosecutor Håkan Roswall defended this by comparing The Piratebay and the Bureau of Piracy (Piratbyrån) with terrorists.


PRQ wanted their four computers back, computers used for book keeping and keeping tabs of customers (also necessary for PRQ to be able to pay their taxes). HÃ¥kan Roswall refuses and insists that the computers are to remain locked away for at least another year. He claims that this is important for the investigation.

When the court heard this case, it was thus time for HÃ¥kan Roswall to motivate his decisions. How did he do it? Well, first he allegedly talked about what BitTorrent is in general for up about half an hour, and (nobody understands why) how wireless networking works. A guess is that the jurors were completely confused. Then HÃ¥kan Roswall said, according to what I have had told to me, literarily this:

I don’t know how to say this, but one could say that PiratbyrÃ¥n is like the IRA and the Pirate Bay is like IRAs armed forces.

It’s stunning.

The ignorance of the prosecutor is one thing: the IRA is the “armed forces” of the Sinn Féin party, which should be part of anyone’s general knowledge. What is more stunning is why he involved PiratbyrÃ¥n in this at all. The negotiations was about the company PRQ, and the alledged necessity for the investigation to not return their accounts (not even a copy).

The worst thing, however, is what Håkan Roswall obviously is trying to say: the work to influence the public opinion that Piratbyrån is doing is to be compared to terrorism (and the Pirate Bay is terrorism squared). The fact that Piratbyrån is arguing that indexing services such as the Pirate Bay has an obvious right to exist, means that freedon of expression can be sorted away.

PRQ have appealed to a higher instance, but before that, the demands from more people and companies to get their computer equipment returned will be tried in the district court. Also the seizure of PiratbyrÃ¥n’s server will be brought up to trial, hopefully as soon as next week. But expect that HÃ¥kan Roswall will refuse to give an inch. This is of course a political question, where pressure has to be applied from as many directions as possible, if we are not to accept that prosecutors are going to be able to arbitrarily decide that one online voice or another are to be silenced for an unspecified timespan and without any suspicion of crime.

thanks Thaumiel!


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