The Pirates are throwing a party, and you are invited! Why?
1. Piratbyråns website has, as reported, returned after a political repression.
2. Copy Me (swedish), an anthology of texts from the website, has been a huge success and quickly sold out but will now be released in a new edition.
3. It’s time to kick-start a fall that will be at least as exciting as the summer has been.
Thus, Piratbyrån has rented Undebara Bar in Stockholm, Sweden, and will host the Pirate Party of the year!
On the 7 of August, between 8pm and 1am, the party will be held. The guests can enjoy a joint performance by artist Goto80 and video group Jossystem.
It will be a great party, says Rasmus Fleischer from Piratbyrån. We have Jossystem, performing a version of poloview all night. And Goto80 is a great live performer.
Why go to Stockholm?
You should go if you like a great party, says Rasmus, who is careful to point out, that this will be an event for everyone out there who likes a good party, pirate or not.
Underbara bar is located at Östgötagatan 33, subway station Medborgarplatsen. You have to be 18 to get in. There’s no entrance fee. Underbara bar has a wide range of beverages and other things one want to consume at a party.
Be there early! Goto80 & Jossystem will begin their performance at 9pm, due to neighbourhood related regulations. But after that, the music doesn’t stop. Our DJs (names will be presented shortly) will keep at it all night. On the menu is, for example, dancable mash up mixes – the music that no copyright legislation understands! See you on August 7!